
setMinDate function.

GouravdeepSingh opened this issue · 5 comments

It is a great library. but it lose some functionality like setMinDate of DatePickerDialog.

The min date means the first day that can be picked?

yes, the first day that can be picked. And all dates before that day are disabled.

And there is one bug. Open picker through a fragment and then press back, picker is not closed, but fragment is closed.

Your suggestion is very good, thanks. But this time I do not have time to add this kind of feature. I hope user compare the picked time with his min date and return "pick error" as a workaround.

The bug that press back cause fragment be closed, which I just test it, but did not appeared. I open a test proj with its apk at:

Would you mind compare my code with your code that can produce this bug? thanks.

The bug that press back cause fragment be closed:-- Please check this in Android Navigation Architecture Components.