Links 🖇

Purpose ❔

The idea of changing in general is exhausting itself. So in our website we try to make it a comfortable step . we all know how annoying and hard it's to refurnish your home or maybe you're someone who's about to get married and your wife keeps complaining and winning about getting so this is idea of our website , in our website there are many options for furnisher ,so It got easier

User story 📖

As a sellar you can add products As a sellar you can dalete pruducts As a sellar you can edit pruducts As a sellar you can filter products by price & category As a sellar you can search for any pruducts

As a buyer you can add products to Cart As a buyer you can dalete pruducts in Cart As a buyer you can filter products by price & category As a buyer you can search for any pruducts

User journey ✈️

When you open our website, you will be faced landing page and products , if you a sellar you should login by click login button to add, edit and delete any product , but if you a buyer you can add any products you want it to Cart and delete it and if you want read maor about any product you should clich on more button . enjoy 🌝

Clone It 🖨

  • https://github.com/GSG-G11/e-commerce-team-2.git
  • Change your current directory cd e-commerce-team-2
  • Open it with your favorite text editor code .
  • Run localhost server npm run dev
  • Run React app cd client && npm start

Tech Stack 💻

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
  • React js
  • axios
  • express JS
  • Using eslint
  • Using env2
  • Using Heroku
  • postgres DB

Team Members