
Soho vibes for KDE Plasma

Rosé Pine for App

All natural pine, faux fur and a bit of soho vibes for the classy minimalist


This is a WIP theme, as of now containing basic Plasma theming and a full adaptation of the Rosé Pine Moon color palette.


  • Other variants of the original theme
  • Window decorators
  • Widgets (I'll need some help with this one)
  • Releases
  • A global theme to streamline installation
  • KDE Store release once all above is done!


  1. Go to System Settings > Appearance > Plasma Style and select Install from File...
  2. From the cloned directory, select the subdirectory of the variant you like most
  3. Select the tar.gz file of the chosen variant
  4. Move the RosePine[Variant].colors file from the colorschemes subdirectory into your color-schemes directory (by default, it should be at ~/.local/share/color-schemes. If it doesn't exist, create it)
  5. Select the color scheme from System Settings > Appearance > Colours
  6. [OPTIONAL] Download AllRosePineThemesIcons.tar.gz from rose-pine/gtk, decompress it and copy the folder respective to your chosen variant into ~/.local/share/icons, then apply the icon pack through System Settings > Appearance > Icons.


Rosé Pine Moon

Rosé Pine Moon Rosé Pine Moon

Thanks to
