Tests element is returning null
Closed this issue · 4 comments
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null at Object.typeCheck (@latest.js:32) at index.html:59
This error is caused because element assigned to tests returning null even after adding an element with ```id="tests"``
Hey @marvinhosea, thanks for filing this. The missing part of the documentation is the html
component for mulika. Ahsante sana.
Kindly add the following snippet to the bottom of your html page...
<section id="mulika" class="mulika">
<div class="top">
<div class="btns">
<span class="circle red"></span>
<span class="circle yellow"></span>
<span class="circle green"></span>
<span class="mulika-title">Mulika Tests</span>
<pre class="tests" id="tests"></pre>
@marvinhosea , let me know if this helped!
Uncaught TypeError: can't access property "style", terminal is null
Still getting that error you
Hey @marvinhosea, I would love to see how you are setting up. New updated setup-docs are up
And you are probably getting the error because you have added the component as the last thing in your page. Add the html component at the bottom of your html page in the body tag, before any scripts in your page.
cc @marvinhosea