
Swipe animation occurs on view bar

Opened this issue · 1 comments

When the view bar is swiped to scroll horizontally between many different views, then the swipe animation is executed but since the view doesn't change it just stays on the existing view. You should not execute the swipe animation if the action is performed to the view bar.

Recreate: add enough views that they all no longer fit on the screen. Then swipe the view bar.

I thought one of the last releases fixed this. I think it fixed that the swipe is actually performed (view is changed). But now still the swipe animation is performed.


A) It is fixed for the default Lovelace dashboard. Here no swipe animation is performed.
B) But the bug still occurs for every other Lovelace dashboard.

I saw some closed issues (see #25) addressing the multiple dashboard adaption in general, maybe something related to this is the root cause for this behavior?