
Is Revcord supposed to transfer webhooks?

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Hi, I was reading a bit the doc of discord.js, and I am not sure wether webhook messages are considered as normal messages or not. Anyway it is not clear to me: is Revcord supposed to transfer webhooks messages from Discord to Revolt or not? My Revcord is currently not doing it. And at a first quick look at discord.ts (I am new to js), I don't see why not.

Revcord can proxy webhook messages if you have bot messages forwarding enabled (here)

Hi, indeed the webhook message transfer works. I found the problem: Revolt messages are limited to 2000 characters whereas Discord messages can be much bigger with embeds, in which case the message is then not transferred. That was my problem.

Revcord does tranfer webhooks. However messages with more than 2000 characters will not be teansfered as it is limited by Revolt.