
64 = RightToLeft not working for RegexReplace

HRS2049 opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, man
This is the best addin I can find so far for EXCEL, I really appreciate it.
It looks it has not been updated for 2 year, looking forward to seeing the update afterwards(EXCEL-DNA has also been updated)
I tried RegexReplace by adding "option 64=RightToLeft", but it did not show as expected, see bellow yellow item.
BTW, it is really working on RegexMatches.
Thanks again for this great addin.

Sure, thanks for the appreciation. I've not needed any new functionality, nor has anybody asked, so I haven't touched the code in a while.

Anyway, can you make a tiny spreadsheet with that example? I'm not quite sure what the cells and their contents are; a working example would be unambiguous.

Once I get that, and once I have time over a weekend to re-create my dev environment, plus update the ExcelDNA version in it, I'll have a chance to debug that.

Thanks for your quick feedback, Sir.
Please have the sheet here.
Regex Test.xlsx

Hi, Sir
It may not be good to ask if you could have time to do the update, but looking forward to seeing the new version. Thanks a lot.
Another question(maybe a stupid question):
Is it possible to add another "option" to make each matching item(seperated by comma) from regexmatches into different column or row so there is no need to use excel funtion such as textsplit or use power query?
Thanks again!