Fix Issues 1
ioavv opened this issue · 2 comments
ioavv commented
- LiveView form events are emitted on every keystroke, causing too much “noise” on the console. They should only be emitted on blurring the field.
- LiveView form input validation happens a few microseconds after you click on the field, while it should happen on blurring the field.
- Post input field not clearing after submitting a post - may be handled by JS hooks
- Private/public/Only Me drop down not closing after selecting any of them - may be handled by JS hooks
- Uploading media locally crashes the server.
- Updating a post comment creates another comment entry on the UI, though the comments count remains the same, weird.
- on the post comment edit issue, once you reload the browser, the old comment disappears, and the updated comment remains. That still needs to be fixed.
- when you like post, you can't see the yourself as a users who liked post, so after refreshing the page it show which is a bug
- after checking the lists of users for liked the posts and closing them it refresh the page, Should it happen ?
- Edit post isn't implemented yet from UI (LiveView)
- after following/unfollowing it doesn't update list of followers/followed instantly on the list
- posting Media (Images) isn't working now
ioavv commented
ioavv commented