
Wrong character class for URLs regexp

jinroh opened this issue · 1 comments

Some regular expressions in the stable-rules db include this character class definition [.-_] which represents this charset from . to _ (./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_)

The intended character class is probably ._-.


- name: AWS API Gateway
  regex: '[0-9a-z]+.execute-api.[0-9a-z.-_]'
- name: AWS CloudFront
  regex: '[0-9a-z.-_]'
- name: AWS EC2 External
  regex: ec2-[0-9a-z.-_]+.compute(-1)?
- name: AWS EC2 Internal
  regex: '[0-9a-z.-_]+.compute(-1)?.internal'
- name: AWS ELB
  regex: '[0-9a-z.-_]'
- name: AWS ElasticCache
  regex: '[0-9a-z.-_]'
- name: AWS RDS
  regex: '[0-9a-z.-_]'
- name: AWS S3 Bucket
  regex: s3://[0-9a-z.-_/]+
- name: AWS S3 Endpoint
  regex: '[a-zA-Z0-9.-_]+.s3.[a-zA-Z0-9.-_]'
- name: Tru - 2
  regex: (?:tru).{0,40}\b([0-9a-zA-Z.-_]{26})\b

Thank you very much for the heads up, I have updated the rule set now: