
disassembly missing

Closed this issue · 1 comments

remy commented

Describe the bug

Basically all the debug information is lost/empty. Not quite sure how to replicate perfectly, but having found the devtools error, I suspect it's an interpolation bug - though I thought that vscode did this for you (as the extension author), but I'm not 100% certain.

The error in devtools when I hit pause is:

Error: cannot open file:///%24%7BworkspceFolder%7D/%24%7BworkspceFolder%7D/%24%7BworkspceFolder%7D/disasm.asm. 
Detail: Unable to read file '/${workspceFolder}/${workspceFolder}/${workspceFolder}/disasm.asm' 

So it looks like the encoding isn't working for the vscode system variables.

This is my launch config for dezog:

      "type": "dezog",
      "request": "launch",
      "name": "Internal (sna)",
      "remoteType": "zsim",
      "zsim": {
        "zxKeyboard": true,
        "ulaScreen": true,
        "visualMemory": true,
        "vsyncInterrupt": true,
        "memoryModel": "ZX48K"
      "rootFolder": "${workspceFolder}",
      "tmpDir": "${workspceFolder}",
      "sjasmplus": [
          "path": "${fileDirname}/${fileBasenameNoExtension}.sld",
          "useFiles": true,
          "asm": "sjasmplus",
          "mainFile": "${file}"
      "disassemblerArgs": {
        "esxdosRst": true
      "commandsAfterLaunch": ["-assertion enable"],
      "load": "${fileDirname}/${fileBasenameNoExtension}.sna",
      "startAutomatically": true,
      "preLaunchTask": "snabuild"

Version etc. (please complete the following information):

  • DeZog SW Version: 2.2.3
  • OS: macos
  • Remote: zsim
remy commented

FFS. I wish vscode was clearer when variables weren't found.

I had a typo in workspaceFolder 🤦