
runtime-only build of Vue

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi I am trying to use this plugin when I place the component in my code i got the following warning in console and my ads are not displaying:

[Vue warn]: You are using the runtime-only build of Vue where the template compiler is not available. Either pre-compile the templates into render functions, or use the compiler-included build.
found in

at src\components\Businesses\BusinessesList.vue
at src\components\Businesses\Business.vue

at src\components\Main.vue
at src\App.vue

I am building PWA. Please help me how to fix this issue.

Can you show me how you using this code @binaamir ? because I already use this Plugin in several projects and work well.

I had the same problem, after much reading, testicles, I managed to solve. In my case, I was using quasar + pwa + vue-google-adsense. For some reason, in webpack quasar (./config/index.js) does not have the alias that vue models have:

'vue $': 'vue / dist / vue.esm.js'

After inserting this line in webapck.base.conf.js, it worked 100%. I hope this helps.