CoreMLModels:No such file or directory
AniOSDeveloper opened this issue · 10 comments
me 2
It might be an issue of the repo, will fix later.
Try delete your folder of CoreMLModels
, create a new one with the same name and path in your Finder, put models + .txt/.json files into that folder. Then drag that folder inside your Xcode structure, remember to choose "Create folder reference", then it should be fine.
Path issue, locate the red-colored folder and change the path on the right to the correct one. You can remove the reference to 'Assets'.
After making the changes, a fatalError("Fatal error: failed to find the CoreML models.") is thrown on line 19 of PhotoSearcherModel.
改完之后 fatalError("Fatal error: failed to find the CoreML models.") PhotoSearcherModel 第19行 报错
English please : )
This issue is because the path of CoreML folders does not match the real path on your disk, try
Assets.xcassets needs to be supplemented by the author.
1.CoreMLModels: Open the project and select the red file in the structure, delete it and select 'Remove Reference' in the alert, then drag and drop the CoreMLModels folder from the cloned project to Xcode project, after that you will see a blue folder below Queryable.
- Assets: select Queryable in the structure, right click and select 'New File...', select and double click 'Asset Catalog', name it Assets and click 'Create'. Then select it and create two 'New Image Assets' named AccentColor and AppIcon.
After you done the two steps above, the final result will look like the following figure:
Good luck!
Assets.xcassets needs to be supplemented by the author.
added in this commit: 738fcac