
Zen mode reviving

Opened this issue · 7 comments

I think not only me would greatly appreciate the revival of Zen mode from the ddvk hack.

I belive it was the most elegant and simple mode for no distractions.

Is it possible to integrate this into your hack please?

Thanks a lot!

What exactly was the task of this mod?
As far as I know, only the toolbar was completely hidden even by the ball at the top.
Or did it have something more?

I think it was a single tap on the most left or right side to turn pages (instead of swiping)

I think that may have been the separate reading mode. But I'd also like that again. Was nicer for reading books to just tap to swipe, but in particular was really handy when using the RM to read music whilst playing, as much quicker to tap than swipe when need fingers back on the keys!

@ilbonte @Ram-222 No, I meant the mode, where you can see only one icon as is shown in QuickTool panel (after. hiding default panel) where you can change stroke size, color, switch last pen and switch to eraser, like is shown on the picture below.

Also, "double tap" to redo isnt much friendly against to swipe to left on the middle-top of screen, same as on the picture.

This feature was enabled under letter "Z" so I think thats Zen mode. Mode with letter "M" was the reading mode without swiping pages but with click only.

(I am left handed so for me are corner gestures swapped)


This functionality is partly implement by the QuickTool bar, but you have define every singe type of pen separately.
What I mean, and it is not so friendly is on the pictures below (with and without default bar)


So that why I think, thist implementation isnt that useful as could be, like the part of DDVK solution.

@atngames maybe you tag this topic wrong as duplicate

Ok so this is feature that has been requested many times, with many different forms.

I think what we need there is a discussion on what would be rmhacks workflow overall.

A reading / Zen / low energy mode can be implemented, for sure, but had to satisfy both ddvk's users and other requests.

I'll think about it soon

@ONYX4407 I still don't understand - I guess I'm stupid - what exactly zen mode does.
You mean like this????
