
Feature request: an installer that remembers your choices from last time

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Since you have to reinstall rm-hacks every time the OS gets an update, I end up having to manually set things like my timezone and the fact I don't need remarkable-stylus repeatedly. This is a little tedious, so: could the installer make a note somewhere persistent (home directory, I guess) of the selections made, and suggest them as the defaults the next time round? Or offer an "update from previous installation" mode that just takes all the previously-chosen options, without further prompts at all?

In a perfect world, this could also include things like copying a predefined suspended.png into /usr/share/remarkable, though I suppose I could also write a script to do that myself.

In a perfect world, this could also include things like copying a predefined suspended.png into /usr/share/remarkable, though I suppose I could also write a script to do that myself.

We've recently discovered that you can set your suspend screen in a way that persists across updates: Eeems-Org/remarkable.guide#66
Just add SleepScreenPath=/home/root/my-suspended.png to /home/root/.config/remarkable/xochitl.conf under the [General] header and then restart xochitl or the device. Make sure my-suspended.png is the name of your suspend image, and make sure to place your suspend image somewhere under /home/root so that it persists accross upgrades.

oh awesome! I'll have to look into that.