
Settings/Preferences config file

mb21 opened this issue · 1 comments

mb21 commented

add a way to load asettings.yaml file if one is found in the data directory (use the dataDir function).

Format should be expandable to contain settings for:

  • set a CodeMirror editor theme css
  • choose pandoc executable (probably with file-open dialog, which we can use for app sandboxing with security-scoped bookmarks)
  • autoUpdateApp: boolean // default is true
  • ...?

so maybe a good format for the settings.yaml would be something like:

editorStyles: |-
  body {
    font-family: Arial;

pandocExecPath: '/usr/bin/'

We can later add a GUI to edit that file, as well as edit the default CSS and YAML files.

Let's learn from https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/getstarted/settings

mb21 commented

Implemented in #98. In the process I decided for now to:

  • remove setting.pandocExecPath for now

    because it's tricky to get this right without compromising security: e.g if we read it directly from the AppState, can arbitrary code in electron renderer process set it to an arbitrary path?

  • remove editorIncludes or editorStyles fields

    because I'm having seconds thoughts about injecting arbitrary JS or even CSS. We cannot even limit the CSS's scope to .react-codemirror2 without parsing it. I remember having read that VScode chose not to do this after having learnt from Atom's mistakes there.

we can create separate issues to discuss those...