
The Solarized Dark change should be reverted

jez opened this issue · 1 comments

jez commented

The changes introduced in #60 should be reverted. The official Solarized Colors (which people expect to install when selecting a theme titled "Solarized Dark") can be found in the altercation/solarized repo.

I can understand the motives of some people to use a different, more readable color for Ansi 8 Color. There has been much talk about this, to the point that some have even reported it as a bug to altercation/solarized. That's why my recommendation would not be to just revert #60. Instead, we should have a theme called "Solarized Dark" track the same .itermcolors as can be found in the original repo, and we should introduce a new theme with a name like "Solarized Dark - Patched ANSI 8". This way people could choose, and not be surprised if they're expecting the defaults.

I'd be more than happy to open a PR for this if you'd support it.

Yeah that's a good idea and a PR would be most welcome. When that merged in I had actually begun thinking about that and to check on the "official" standards of Solarized Dark and it completely fell out of my head shortly thereafter. Thanks for the kick! 😄