
Who uses asm-dom?

mbasso opened this issue · 12 comments

If you are using asm-dom, please let us know who are you, how it's used and give us a feedback!

@mbasso Awesome lib! Do you mind dropping one or 2 sentences here or in the readme about how the performance seems to compare to just pure JS. If you don't want to, totally fine. Just looking for a little bit of more of a nudge here to try this!

Whoops, nevermind, sorry! Found the performance link:

Hi @mrjjwright,
thank you for your interest, I'm glad you like it. If you have any questions please let me know 😄

If asm-dom were to support the web components standards, I can see myself using this in my projects to build web components for use cases outside of the browser, such as for embedded and IoT applications. This would allow declarative construction of non-visual applications. So, I'm very excited about the potential of this project...though my use case may be beyond the scope of this project. Anyone who is interested can read about the work done so far:

I was playing around with the boilerplate project for a few hours today and rewrote the counter example so it uses object oriented 'Widgets' that are somewhat composable. I also added a button that adds additional counters to the screen every time it is clicked. I figured I'd link it here in case anyone is interested in checking it out.

I had a lot of fun using asm-dom, its a really interesting project! Great documentation as well.

Here's the repo:

Hi @kevinaud,
I'm glad you like it, thank you very much 😄
I've checked out your repo, that's awesome! It reminds me about react. asm-dom is intentionally designed with a minimal API to allow something like this, I think that a lot of libraries can be built on top of it.
I'd like to add your repo to the README in the Examples section, I think that a lot of users might be interested.

Yeah, feel free!

Also I'm thinking about taking some of the ideas I got from working on that repo and building a minimal library/framework on top of asm-dom for building SPAs so if I ever get around to doing that I'll let you know

Sure! That would be great! Let’s keep in touch

@mbasso : not using your asm-dom, but I really appreciate the effort.
I'm in Milan these days and I'd like to discuss a few ideas with you (in front of a beer, of course).


Hi @RobertoMalatesta,
thank you for your interest in asm-dom.
Yeah, can you write to me on Gitter or Twitter?

Let's follow on twitter.