
Separate branch for C?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I created a branch (dbeecham/GenericMakefile/C) which changes:

  1. CXX -> CC
  3. SRC_EXT = cpp -> SRC_EXT = c

I also removed the hello.cpp and replaced it with a hello.c.

Since it's a separate branch I am unable to pull request, though if you wish, you could create the branch and pull my changes.

Since the changes needed to make it a C makefile are fairly trivial, I don't have any plans to maintain a separate branch for it.

Just want to comment that I had issues using this with a C project too. Some of the changes were obvious but changing CXX and CXXFLAGS wasn't. I don't know if a separate branch is warranted, but it'd be nice to have a specific option for C vs. C++ in the file itself.