
[BUG] Current transaction contains open cursors. Close cursors before run Commit() in 5.0.19

dethknite opened this issue · 2 comments

Version: LiteDB v5.0.19

Describe the bug
When processing through records to delete oldest, the following error is thrown:
Current transaction contains open cursors. Close cursors before run Commit()

Code to Reproduce

using (var db = new LiteDatabase(connSharedReadWrite))
    // .... set min/max records and step
    long min=0, max=10000000;
    int step = 10000;
    long recordsToDelete = 250000;
    long recordsDeleted = 0;

    // Process
    while (min < max)
        //Process each step..
        foreach (DbObject item in col.Find(Query.All("ObjectDateTime", Query.Ascending)).Skip(0).Take(step).ToArray())
            //Delete Record

            if (recordsDeleted >= recordsToDelete)

        if (recordsDeleted >= recordsToDelete)

        //Update position
        min += step;

Expected behavior
In v5.018 and lower, this functions as expected and deletes records.

It looks like the same issue as in #2440 and #2435 , #2436 change fixed it for us

Thank you for reporting this issue.

This issue has been resolved in the latest version of LiteDB.
Please update to the latest version of LiteDB to resolve this issue.
If the issue persists, please let us know.