
Type checking ifdef variability

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION

** For the original README refer to https://github.com/ckaestne/TypeChef**


Build Status Coverage

For instructions on how to import the project using IntelliJ follow the instructions at the end

TypeChef is a research project with the goal of analyzing ifdef variability in C code with the goal of finding variability-induced bugs in large-scale real-world systems, such as the Linux kernel with several thousand features (or configuration options).

Instead of analyzing each variant for each feature combination in isolation, TypeChef parses the entire source code containing all variability in a variability-aware fashion without preprocessing. The resulting abstract syntax tree contains the variability in form of choice nodes. Eventually, a variability-aware type system performs type checking on these trees, variability-aware data-flow analysis performs data-flow analysis and so forth.

TypeChef was started with the goal of building a type system for C code with compile-time configurations. TypeChef was originally short for Type Checking Ifdef Variability. Over time it has grown into an infrastructure of all kinds of analyses. In all cases, the goal is to detect errors in all possible feature combinations, without resorting to a brute-force approach. It also evolved into a basis for a sound transformation and refactoring engine (Hercules and Morpheus) and as an import mechanism for mbeddr.

TypeChef Poster

Architecture and Subprojects

The TypeChef project contains of four main components and several helper libraries.

  • A library for reasoning about feature expressions (subproject FeatureExprLib). The library allows to easily express and reason about expressions in propositional logic. It supports also parsing feature expressions and loading entire feature models (in textual format or a .dimacs file). For reasoning, internally both BDDs and SAT solvers are used which allows to scale reasoning even to feature models the size of the Linux kernel. The library is stable, has a simple and convenient syntax, and can be (and is) reused in very different contexts. It also works well with Java code.

  • A library of conditional data structures for variational programming (subproject ConditionalLib) with several useful operations on conditional structures. Used heavily in all other subprojects. For a short introduction see VariationalProgramming.md.

  • A variability-aware lexer (also called partial preprocessor; subproject PartialPreprocessor) that reads unpreprocessed code and produces a conditional token stream. The variability-aware lexer is responsible for resolving macros and file inclusions and for normalizing #ifdef conditions. There are two possible internal implementations to chose from, our own based on a heavily modified version of jcpp and the independently developed on from xtc.

  • A variability-aware parser framework provides parser combinators to build variability-aware parsers (subproject ParserFramework).

  • The variability-aware parsers for GNU C and Java (subprojects CParser and JavaParser) use the parser framework to build parsers for the corresponding languages. The parsers read a conditional token stream and produce abstract syntax trees with corresponding choice nodes. Variability-aware parsers for HTML and JavaScript exist in forks.

  • A variability-aware type system (subproject CTypeChecker) checks types considering variability in the abstract syntax tree. As a normal type system, it walks over the AST, collects an environment of known types, and issues (conditional) type errors when problems are found. In addition, it extracts (conditional) symbol tables needed for linker checks.

  • A variability-aware control-flow and data-flow analysis (subproject CRewrite) provides implementations for successor/predecessor determination of abstract syntax tree elements in the presence of choice nodes and on top of it a variable liveness implementation.

  • A call graph analysis with a corresponding pointer analysis is currently developed in a fork.

  • A rewrite and refactoring engine built on TypeChef is available as separate projects Hercules and Morpheus.

  • Setups for analyzing individual systems together with useful tooling are available as separate github projects (see section evaluation below).

Importing as a Project in IntelliJ 2017.1

  • Clone the repository and install the 2017.1 version of IntelliJ (latest as of 11.04.2017)

  • Open IntelliJ and make sure SCALA is enabled in the Plugins section. You can do this either by opening INtelliJ and clicking on File-> Settings-> Plugins or by simply using the Configure on the bottom right of the opening Dialog when you open IntelliJ for the first time. In the Plugin Search box, type in "Scala" and make sure the checkbox next to Scala is checked. You will be required to restart IntelliJ after this.

  • If SCALA is not installed, then click on "Install Jetbrains Plugins" in the same Plugin Dialog box and choose SCALA

If you are using a Windows machine, make sure all Firewall is turned off. Otherwise, Windows firewall may prevent Intellij from being able to contact the Jetbrains repository. It is also recommended that you uninstall any existing installation of SCALA and use the IntelliJ plugin shipped version of SCALA to avoid any conflicts.

  • After installing SCALA in your IntelliJ and restarting IntelliJ, choose the "Import Project" option.

Open Project 1

  • Choose the source directory of the cloned repository

Open Project 1

  • In the next dialog, choose "Import Projects from external model" and then choose "SBT"

Open Project 1

  • In the next dialog, make sure both the "Library sources" and the "SBT Sources" are checked and make sure the Project format is ".ipr(file based)"

Open Project 1

  • After a few minutes of waiting, In the next menu, you will be asked to choose the modules to load. Choose all. The next step will take a few minutes to load all the required JARs. Be patient.

  • Once the loading is complete, Build the project. This should take a while too when you are doing it for the first time.

  • If your build fails because of issue with dependencies related to Partialcodechecker from mbeddr's project, goto the module settings of the PartialCodeChecker and mark the "src" folder as "Sources"

Open Project 1

Open Project 1

  • Once the import of project and successful build of project is done, close your IntelliJ and open the TypeChef.ipr file in a text editor and paste the contents of the file README_files/artifactdefinition.md as the first in the ipr xml tree. Ideally, you should paste it between the line that looks like and .