
com.mbeddr.mpsutil.genericactions.openGeneratorDirInFileManager should skip models without output location

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openGeneratorDirInFileManager throws a RuntimeException if SModelOperations.getOutputLocation(this.model) returns null.
But this can easily happen by design if a model has no corresponding facet, see the documentation of SModelOperations:

 @return {@code null} if model is not capable to produce output for a model (e.g. deployed/packaged module) 
 @see jetbrains.mps.project.facets.JavaModuleFacet 
 @see jetbrains.mps.project.facets.TestsFacet

(MPS 2021.3.2)

The exception is caught without error handling in execute() (fine for me), but it is not caught at all in isApplicable(), which leads to continuous error spamming.

Fixed in #2263 in branch maintenance/mps20211. It might take a while until the commits arrive in master, since I just did a cascading merge of all branches a few days ago.