MPS 2021.3.5 based release from 2022-01-09 desn't run
Opened this issue · 10 comments
I tried to open latest release after unzipping using fasten.bat and there was no sign of program's respond. It simply doesn't run.
I will be appreciated for a help.
Best regards,
@oloESK Do you mean the release from here?
can you share with me the idea.log file? fasten-2022-01-09\caches.FASTEN_2022-01-09_1.0-SNAPSHOT\system\log\idea.log
There is no caches folder in the newest release, it is present in the previous release version but not in the newest though.
Please delete the last line from C:\temp\fasten-2022-01-09\bin\mps64.exe.vmoptions (i.e. the one which sets the jacocoagent) and try again ...
It works now. Main problem solved. However, it has some freezes during adding Goal to goal connections in GSN tree. I have to re-run the tool to finally see "Supported by" annotation and be able to move it around.
Thank you for reporting this! I have uploaded a new version of the release which contains this fix.
Can you reproduce these freezes? Do they happen on a certain model? Could you share the idea.log file? (from fasten-install-dir\caches.FASTEN_2020.3-SNAPSHOT_1.0-SNAPSHOT\system\log)
Here is the fresh log file right after the freeze occurs. Where can I find new version for download?
The new version is here:
(the new zip has a name ending in "_v2")
The log contains an exception in the underlying library we use - will take time to debug
Do you have a model where I can reproduce?
The freezes related to the project which I built on previous release and imported into new one once it became available. I tried quickly recreate simple test scenario within new GSN goal-to-goal structure to possibly share it with you and it went just fine unlike before. I suppose there was some compatibility issues. Unfortunately I can't share my "freezing" project data as they are subject of NDA with customer. However, I am about to recreate the project again on the new release and if I encounter this problem again - I will pass the information on how and when it came to a freeze.
All in all, thank you very much for prompt replies and working remedy. Hope there is no more issues with GSN.
ps. It would help a lot if there were a feature to extract GSN textual view notation (full GSN hierarchy as on the screen after switching Notation) into readable XML file for further post processing. Currently, only manual Copy-Paste suits this purpose.