
After adding 1st tag remove the focus from the input box.

1988amit opened this issue · 2 comments

Currently, when we add a tag from the suggestion list the focus still remains in that input box but it's hard to open again the suggestion list I have to focus outside then again focus inside the input box then it shows the suggestion box. Or it's better to remove focus from that input tag after adding the first tag as I tried using loadonAddRemove but it's irritating as after adding the first tag it will always open suggestion box & also when removing the tag

When I add a tag from suggestion list, suggestion list stays open for me. Although, when I remove a tag, suggestion list gets closed and focus remains in the input and then it doesn't open until I click outside.

Let me know if this is your problem. It would be even better if you can provide a plunker demonstrating your problem. I have a solution for this. Will see if others are also interested to solve this.

@mbenford After removing a tag, the suggestion list gets closed. So, If I want to add a tag after removing one I have to click outside first and then again at the input element to open the suggestion list.
I think It would be better for usability to keep the suggestion list open until someone clicks outside so that it's easy to add or remove tags. I have a fix for this and I would be happy to raise a PR if you agree. Thanks!!!