
Embedded Rust examples running on M0Sense board

Primary LanguageRPC

Sipeed M0 Sense

This repo is a personal set of examples running on the M0Sense board

โš™ Installing

rustup target add riscv32imac-unknown-none-elf
rustup component add llvm-tools-preview
rustup component add llvm-tools
cargo install cargo-binutils
sudo pip install bflb-mcu-tool

๐Ÿš€ Running

Before running the command, the board should be in programming mode, set IO pin 28 to high before turning the board on, and keep until boot.

After your computer detect the new serial communication device and add a new COM port, run the code to upload the binary to board:

cargo objcopy --release --example blinky -- -O binary .bin/blinky.bin
bflb-mcu-tool --chipname bl702 --firmware .bin/blinky.bin

Or simply:

assets/run.bat blinky

๐Ÿงพ Board specs

BL702 chip specs:

  • single core, 32-bit, RISC-V CPU running at 144MHz with FPU.
  • 132KB RAM
  • 192KB ROM
  • 512KB Flash
  • Two 32-bit timer
  • Eight DMA channels
  • One SPI
  • Two UART
  • One I2C interface
  • One I2S
  • Five PWM
  • One 12-bit ADC
  • One 10-bit DAC
  • 2.4Ghz BlueTooth V5.0
  • 1Mbps and 2Mbps BLE
  • USB 2.0 FS route to USB Type-C to burn firmware

Onboard featues:

  • One analog microphone
  • One RGB LED
  • QMI8658A six-axis IMU


๐Ÿง Resources