
How to improve Frontend Editing in Django?

davidjeba opened this issue · 5 comments

mbi commented

I'm sorry, what's your point?

My Point is,
https://www.django-cms.org/en/frontend-editing/ is really awesome
missing: drag and drop inline editing, very dependent on wysiwyg editors

and it could be more awesome if it can work like
advantages: more fluid inline editing, almost work like a no-code frontend editor
[eg: imagine a blogger running their website on django. they might not have technical expertise to work on editors, they are more inclined to wix.com like frontend system]

mbi commented

Fine, but why opening an issue on django-front and not on django-cms, then? 🤷‍♂️

Ok, I assumed that if the core templating system supported such features then building a frontend layer would be possible
core features being enhanced would be better than building a radically new UX which is not compatible to the core would lead to a messy situations.

Just a pointer to the core team, to consider for future release

mbi commented

Ok I understand now... django-front is not at all related to django-cms, they are completely separated projects and are used in different scenarios. Closing now but thanks for the pointes.