
Foretrex 601

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I found a discussion about converting a 601 to 701 where you suggested to look for a translation function which checks if the desired language is installed and then locates the array of strings and selects PTR_sLanguage + stringId.
Could you tell me more on how to locate this function? I'm a little bit lost at the moment so I will appreciate any help. We can communicate via e-mail if you prefer (gerne auch in deutscher Sprache ;-).

Thank you in advance

The discussion is here: ExtReMLapin/Foretrex601_Research#1 - but since I don't have that device, I didn't invest more time to look into that.

It might be that the AB database is encrypted and the key is stored in the NV area on proper 701s and is now missing. Or it's just some other stuff it's looking for that's not there at the moment. (E.g. preferences for the AB app.) You'd need to go backwards (in the code) from the error message to where it is produced and then find out, why.