
not clear which file to import ... @import "sanitize.css/sanitize"

violinchris opened this issue · 0 comments

I think I am using this in a very typical way with node-sass, but I am having to make a change to node_modules/marx-css/scss/marx.scss to get things to work.

from my package.json

"scripts": {
  "build-css": "node-sass src/scss/ -o public/css/ --include-path node_modules/",

copy/paste from error i get when using npm run build-css

"status": 1,
"file": "node_modules/marx-css/scss/marx.scss",
"line": 3,
"column": 1,
"message": "It's not clear which file to import for '@import\"sanitize.css/sanitize\"'.\nCandidates:\n  sanitize.css/sanitize.scss\n  sanitize.css/sanitize.css\nPlease delete or rename all but one of these files."

to make this work, i need to make a change in node_modules/marx-css/scss/marx.scss from

@import 'sanitize.css/sanitize';


@import 'sanitize.css/sanitize.scss';

and just for reference, here is an example of my index.scss

$primary: yellow;
@import 'marx-css/scss/marx.scss';

Can the @import line in marx.scss be changed to include the .scss extension? Thanks.