
viewBox attribute is changed to viewbox

andersaloof opened this issue · 3 comments

I recently noticed that the viewBox attribute on <svg> elements inside will be renamed to viewbox when saved.

Changing settings.json to this "fixes" the issue:

"[twig]": {
  "editor.formatOnSave": false,

I've found a similar issue from a couple of years ago that is related (#26), so the bug may lie in PrettyDiff as it did then.

I'm on version 0.9.1.

It's still doing this with all camel case and I can't figure out how to disable it. My use case is that I'm creating custom attributes for my Twig and HTML that I want to be camel case, but they get "corrected" to lowercase.

I'm on version 0.9.2

zecka commented

Any news on that ?