
Package Maintenance

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Is this package still in being maintained?

Is there any fork or package co-related to it? It is a very important feature, but I see there are few alternatives.

Is this package still in being maintained?
My pull request from almost 10 months ago hasn't been addressed, so form your own conclusions. OTOH, it's pretty simple to take my PR and install them locally. With those updates, everything seems to work with Flutter version 3.3.7 and I've had no problems with builds for iOS or Android.

I tried to contact the maintainer, still no answer. I think this package is dead.

If someone has any news on this I'd much appreaciate it. I don't wanna have to maintain my own MethodChannels

@felipecastrosales, @abhlabs, @EArminjon, @Miguel-A-Jara:
Since this package hasn't been updated in 2 years and the maintainers haven't responded to any issues or pull requests, I created a new repository: https://github.com/activcoding/disk_space_2. The updated package, which should work, is available here: https://pub.dev/packages/disk_space_2.

I migrated to disk_space_plus ๐Ÿ‘€

I saw that package as well, but it seems as inactive as this one. The goal for disk_space_2 is not only to provide the same functionality but also to actively maintain it and add more features, such as macOS and Windows support.

Additionally, I plan to add more collaborators to ensure quicker response and review times.