
Build errors on IOS?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

My app builds and runs without errors for Android, but the build fails for IOS, targeting IOS 12 / iPhone 13. The build cites numerous warnings in build, but only one error:

...flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/disk_space-0.2.1/ios/Classes/DiskSpacePlugin.m:2:9: fatal error: 'disk_space/disk_space-Swift.h' file not found #import <disk_space/disk_space-Swift.h>

Removing all references to disk_space package lets the app build and run without errors on iPhone 13 simulator.

It's very possible I've got something set wrong in my xcode project -- I'm very new to xcode (and feeling a little intimidated by the sheer number of settings). Is this an issue in the disk_space package, or is there something wrong with my project settings?

I was able to resolve the build errors. If anyone else encounters this problem, read through this SO post: Build errors on IOS and look for a comment made in response to the question from Ryan Cocuzzo suggesting running Xcode under Rosetta.

zhuwei commented

This method won't solve the problem..