
A template to build web applications with TypeScript, Solid, & Sass

Primary LanguageJavaScript

TS & Solid Application Template

A template to build web applications with TypeScript, Solid, & Sass

This is a template for building a scalable single-page application using Solid. To keep things simple and expandable, this template doesn't rely upon any unnecessary dependencies. Whether you're creating a small tool or beginning a large project, this is a strong place to begin.

This template uses Babel & Webpack to compile the project.

To reference a project built using this template, see this application.

To use this template

  • Install Yarn
  • Fork this repository & rename it to your project's name.
  • Clone the forked repository to your computer.
  • Open a terminal in the root directory of the cloned repository.
  • Run yarn install in the terminal.

From here, you're ready to devlelop your project.


To run a script, type yarn run <script-name>

script-name description
build call build:dev
build:dev try to compile the application into /bin/
build:prod try to compile an optimized version of the application into /bin/
start call start:dev
start:dev build:dev & start a hot-reloading server at localhost:1000
start:prod build:prod & start a server at localhost:1111

To edit commands, see "scripts" in package.json

To contribute to this template

Unfortunately, this template doesn't support user contributions right now.