
S3 SignatureDoesNotMatch

typh289 opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, i'm facing some troubles with uploads on S3
The upload actually ends fine and the files get correctly uploaded on S3,
but i get an error on the js component "upload failed", by inspecting looks that the XHR request fail on status 403 with error from S3:
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.

But the key looks working fine, collectstatics send files on S3 with the same key without issues, and also the uploaded file if i ignore the failed message and submit actually get somehow to S3 so am a little lost

Can you see what the url of the failing xhr request is? Is it a request to S3 or to Django?

request was to S3, looks like the issue was the endpoint url as now is working correctly but i made many changes at once so not even sure of what actually made it..guess this can be closed i'll update this comment when i figure out what was wrong just as a reference if anyone else end in this situation