CW macros?
N0NB opened this issue · 3 comments
Nice to see this effort. I know you write that this is not intended for club use, by that I presume the program has no networking capabilities with other copies running at other operating positions. Our club operates 1A so a single copy is fine, etc. Besides, with SQLite it should be a simple matter to combine logs if more than one position is in operation though not in real time, etc.
Anyway, I've just glanced through the README here at GitHub and am curious if you have implemented macros for CW such as F1 for CQ, F3 for exchange, etc.
Regardless, I am going to clone this and poke at it a bit in the coming days.
Hi, thanks for the interest. Yup there is no facility for group operation. Band lockouts etc. But when you have it generate the logs it will spit out an ADIF along with the cabrillo log so merging should be trivial.
And no I have not done CW macros. As with most of my repos, everything is a scratch my own itch solution. After I had written this program, I wanted to try a GUI version and most development switched to that. In the interim I had gotten a winkeyer and wrote a separate program to talk to that just to learn how it worked. So after this coming Field Day, I'll roll it back into the GUI version of the logging ap.
The problem with the curses version is that it's very tedious to add windows, dialogs and basic text editing etc. I'm not saying it won't get done. It's just not high on the list of 'must get done.' It is certainly a nice to have feature.
I did find the Qt5 version first and I do understand about itch scratching!
As for working with the K1EL keyers and compatible units, rather than reinventing the wheel, take a look at winkeydaemon. Though written in Perl, it is quite stable as I've used it for several years with Tlf and it allows any program written to use the venerable cwdaemon to access K1EL style keyers. Now, I don't know if winkeydaemon works on Mac or Windows, though I would think making it work with either one would be trivial. However, you may also find it useful for inspiring internal code, etc.
I will also look at the GUI version. The reason being that you have adopted the CT/N1MM style of separate fields for Call/Class/Section in both the curses and Qt5 versions which seems more intuitive for inexperienced operators and loggers to use. While I like Tlf, it follows much of the philosophy of Tr which makes the exchange input a bit of a mess for such operators. Either way, I appreciate your effort here!
Added cwdaemon / winkeydaemon support.