A simple app to play a turn-based game during Frontity casual sessions.
Original version: https://codepen.io/mburridge/pen/jOrPmPB.
When I click the start button the name of the first (random) person to speak is displayed along with the (random) topic they should introduce into the story, with a countdown timer.
The person speaks for a defined time.
This person and topic remain on screen while they're speaking.
Fifteen seconds before the end of the defined speak time the name of the next (random) person to speak is displayed, with the (random) topic they should introduce into the story - 15 second countdown timer is shown.
15s before → Luis will introduce Indiana Jones to the common story (not yet) 0s → Start!! (2min talking) 15s before (1:45) → Reyes will introduce Seville to the common story (not yet) 2:00 → Start!!