Path planning A* test task

Currently implemented algorithms :

  • A_Star

To build

git clone
cd PathPlanning
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

cmake, g++, linux environment required

To run tests

cd build
(./test -s for verbosity)
(./test -h for another options)


To build path with A* algorithm:

cd build
./main map_file_name x_from y_from x_to y_to (-h eu|mh -o output_file_name)

Program reads map specified as map_file_name, source/destination coordinates ((0, 0) is top left) and outputs constructed path as .bmp image output_file_name (or out.bmp by default)


  • map_file_name must satisfy the format described here.

  • -h option allows to set heuristic function on grid (Euclidian or Manhattan distance accordingly). By default zero function is set and A* works as Dijkstra algorithm.

  • To visualize map file you can run ./vis map_file_name and open map.bmp file in build directory.

  • Some sample maps can be found in maps directory.