
Error deserializing float to string

Opened this issue · 4 comments

To demonstrate the error, I can simply follow the instructions from Using Opaque SQL in the documentation but substitute the given integers for floats:

|word| count|
| foo|508.41|
| bar|717.13|
| baz| 82.31|

scala> df.printSchema
 |-- word: string (nullable = true)
 |-- count: float (nullable = false)

If I encrypt the dataframe, then decrypt it I get the following:

|word|     count|
| foo|508.410004|
| bar|717.130005|
| baz| 82.309998|

scala> dfEncrypted.printSchema
 |-- word: string (nullable = true)
 |-- count: float (nullable = false)

scala> dfEncrypted.collect()
res18: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = Array([foo,508.41], [bar,717.13], [baz,82.31])

So it appears that there is an error in de-serializing the floats to a string as the displayed numbers are incorrect when using show() but not collect().

One thing I noticed when debugging is that, if I set breakpoints in the various cases here, running collect() shows that both the StringField and FloatField cases are entered (as expected), but running show() prints out that StringField is visited twice so it would seem that the float value is being turned into a string (incorrectly) somewhere in C++ code before Scala? But I am not sure.

These strings are equivalent representations of the same underlying 32-bit floating-point value. For example, 508.41 and 508.410004 are both represented as 0x43fe347b (ref).

Therefore, I think your observation is due to a difference in behavior between the Opaque and Spark float-to-string cast expressions.

It would take significant effort to match Spark's behavior exactly. One way would be to use a library like Ryu and modify it to match Java behavior. This can be tricky for scientific notation.

Also, note that Spark's Dataset#show() inserts a projection that casts each output attribute to string before collecting it to the driver. This explains the difference between show() and collect():

  • For show(), the cast to string occurs on the cluster in Opaque, exposing the difference in behavior.
  • For collect(), the cast to string occurs on the driver in Java.

Thanks for such a thorough response! This behavior makes sense now though it is a shame it isn't easier to fix.

@ankurdave thanks for the detailed response :) @ryanleh perhaps we can add this behavior to the documentation, then close the issue?