
Inconsistent XP Yield for Block Conversions

777555777 opened this issue · 0 comments

Some block conversions cause the block to yield experience even if the block was placed manually while others don't.

As an example when placing a moss_block with azalea ontop and growing it into a tree both the moss_block (now rooted_dirt) and the lowest log (formerly azalea) yield experience.
In contrast placed stone converted to moss_block using bone_meal doesn't yield experience.
Neighter does placed mud transformed into clay (by being placed ontop a pointed_dripstone and being random ticked) yield experience.
Also both naturally generated dirt as well as placed dirt converted to mud by a player (using a water bottle) don't yield experience while naturally generated dirt converted to mud by a dispenser does yield experience.

My suggestion would be to make the three latter examples yield experience for their corresponding skill.