Issue #5052 still present and affects additional blocks
777555777 opened this issue · 2 comments
The issue described in #5052 wasn't fixed as the proclaimed fix checks the blocks effected by double-/triple-drop which spawners etc aren't. There also already existed a method to filter out unwanted drops from blast mining which the fix could expand upon (isDropIllegal
Additionally there are more blocks affected which aren't obtainable normally.
These include:
- spawner
- chorus_plant
- dirt_path
- farmland
- infested_cobblestone
- infested_stone
- infested_deepslate
- infested_stone_bricks
- infested_mossy_stone_bricks
- infested_cracked_stone_bricks
- infested_chiseled_stone_bricks
As well as some blocks otherways obtainable, but not obtainable by breaking them:
- suspicious_sand
- suspicious_gravel
- tall_grass
- large_fern
The list might not be complete, so checking if the block is normally obtainable by breaking it using silktouch might be a better solution.
Additionally, it seems to make a difference if the block is created by the player (e.g., using a hoe to create farmland) or not. Blocks created by the player do not drop, while naturally generated blocks do drop. This also affects normal blocks placed by players which might be confusing to users.
Furthermore non mining blocks only have a 50% chance to drop while normal tnt has had a 100% chance to drop items since 1.14. Changing the chance to 100% would better align with vanilla tnt behaviour.
Thanks for the report, will look into it.