
Question about R^2 values in positive control linearity QC

Closed this issue · 3 comments


Thank you for the great tool. I have a question on calculation of the positive control linearity QC. Based on NACHO's QC plot output and Nanostring's guide it should be "R^2 value". When I looked at the calculation function for this metric, it is actually calculating Pearson's correlation coefficient here . Just wanted to ask if you are aware of this or am I missing a point?

Thank you!

I must say, I don't recall as it's from 4/5 years ago and I did not write all the code.

From the unit

"PCL" = '"(R^2)"',
it seems, the computation is indeed wrong.
I'll fix and release soon as CRAN is back after the holidays.
Thanks for the report!

Thanks for the quick response on this!

I should be able to make the release this week and should be available soon after that.