
Real World Data Science

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Link to suggestion

Targeted section

Real life examples/Websites formats

Describe your suggestion

Real World Data Science (RWDS) is a new online data science publication, published by the Royal Statistical Society. The site is built in Quarto and features a custom design (built on the Lux Bootswatch theme), with a customised navbar and homepage layout.

Content on RWDS is free to read and published under Creative Commons licences, and all source code and files can be found in this repository:

I'd like to encourage other members of the data science and Quarto communities to discover RWDS and contribute to the development of the site and its content.

Thank you.


  • checked if your suggestion is not already listed in Awesome Quarto list.
  • checked if it can fit in an existed section or suggest a new section and explain why your item does not fit into one and what would be the interest of your new section.
  • checked when it's a repository if it's maintained (archived repository will be rejected).

Thanks for the suggestion 😉