
AssertionError with example project

jason-weise opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi there

I am testing the remix-fastify solution here and notice that the examlpe throws an AssertionError as soon as you build and run npm run start

I see the example was updated 6 days ago, this is without any changes to the code at all.
Any ideas?

AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: The first character of a path should be `/` or `*`
    at Router.on (Q:\example\node_modules\find-my-way\index.js:107:3)
    at Object.addNewRoute (Q:\example\node_modules\fastify\lib\route.js:271:16)
    at Object.route (Q:\example\node_modules\fastify\lib\route.js:203:19)
    at Object.prepareRoute (Q:\example\node_modules\fastify\lib\route.js:142:18)
    at Object._get [as get] (Q:\example\node_modules\fastify\fastify.js:244:34)
    at remixFastify (Q:\example\node_modules\@mcansh\remix-fastify\src\plugin.ts:71:13)
    at Plugin.exec (Q:\example\node_modules\avvio\plugin.js:130:19)
    at Boot.loadPlugin (Q:\example\node_modules\avvio\plugin.js:272:10)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:83:21) {
  generatedMessage: false,
  code: 'ERR_ASSERTION',
  actual: false,
  expected: true,
  operator: '=='

the example was updated, but i never cut a release with the new functionality from #31, try this example

Hi @mcansh that seemed to work now using the tree you linked.
Do you know when that migth be released to npm?

Hi @mcansh , sorry I spoke too soon.
When I said it is working now, I had tested it on my MacBook Pro, on Windows, exactly the same error occurs.

It looks like the current repo might work on MacOS, just not Windows.

fixed by #31 and released in 1.12.0