Hi, this is Marco 👋
This is my simple blog and personal frontpage.

Getting started

I'm not a webmaster nor a designer, so I decided to use Hugo to build this site.
I know nothing about Go, but I found Hugo easier than the alternatives.


First of all, download this repository and all submodules.

git clone
git submodule update --init --recursive

To build a local website, you need to install Hugo. Unfortunately, apt package manager brings an old version of the library, so I suggest you to install it via snap. At the time of writing, the latest version is 0.125.6.

snap install hugo

To build the website and get a local server, you simply need to run the following command from the root folder of the project.

hugo server -D

The -D is optional but it allows you to see draft content.


You need to create an Action in the action group and... Nevermind.
Hugo has a fairly simple documentation, but it works.
If I was able to do it, you can do it too. Read it.

After that, make your changes and push them to the main branch.
Let the buider action do the rest and enjoy your new website in a few seconds 🚀


I still don't understand why images are not displayed if they are located in the assets folder.
Maybe it's the theme I'm using, but I don't care too much (hey, I simply want my website published).
I found this workaround: I put the images in the static folder and I reference them with the / prefix.

Licence © 2024 by Marco Carletti is licensed under CC BY 4.0.