
MiniDLNA Home Assistant add-on

Primary LanguageShell

MiniDLNA for hass.io


This addon provide a container for hass.io with MiniDLNA


  1. Go to Settings, then Add-ons and click on Add-on Store
  2. Open the 3 dots menu, click on Repositories and add https://github.com/mcavallo/ha_minidlna
  3. Refresh your browser
  4. Search for Minidlnaand install it


friendly_name: HA Media
media_dir: A,/media
options: -d

Option: friendly_name

Set this to specify the name that shows up on your clients.

Option: media_dir

Set this to the directory you want scanned.

  • if you want multiple directories, you can add ';' before each new directory (eg. media_dir: /media;/share)
  • if you want to restrict a media_dir to specific content types, you can prepend the types, followed by a comma, to the directory:
    • A for audio (eg. media_dir: A,/home/jmaggard/Music)
    • V for video (eg. media_dir: V,/home/jmaggard/Videos)
    • P for images (eg. media_dir: P,/home/jmaggard/Pictures)
    • PV for pictures and video (eg. media_dir:PV,/home/jmaggard/digital_camera)

Option: options

Set this to specify what options are passed to minidlnad.


[-d] [-v] [-f config_file] [-p port]
[-i network_interface] [-u uid_to_run_as]
[-t notify_interval] [-P pid_filename]
[-s serial] [-m model_number]
[-w url] [-r] [-R] [-L] [-S] [-V] [-h]


  • -t sets the notify interval is in seconds. Default is 895
  • -P sets the pid file. Default is /var/run/minidlna/minidlna.pid
  • -d will run minidlna in debug mode (not daemonize)
  • -w sets the presentation url. Default is http address on port 80
  • -v enables verbose output
  • -h displays this text
  • -r forces a rescan
  • -R forces a rebuild
  • -L do not create playlists
  • -S changes behaviour for systemd
  • -V print the version number