
Not able to set bit wise on port FIRSTPORTB/C/CH with ul.d_bit_out()

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I have a USB-DIO24/37 and tried out the example code mcculw/examples/console/ It works fine and values are set on pins of FIRSTPORTA. The example code automatically chooses FIRSTPORTA. If I now choose FIRSTPORTB or C (or CH) and try to set a specific bit with the function ul.d_bit_out(), I get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "e:/test_digitalIO_MCC/", line 169, in <module>
  File "e:/test_digitalIO_MCC/", line 146, in on
    return self.set(channel, 1)
  File "e:/test_digitalIO_MCC/", line 132, in set
    ul.d_bit_out(self.board_number, port_obj.type, bit_num, bit_value)
  File "C:\Program Files\Python37\lib\site-packages\mcculw\", line 2546, in d_bit_out
    _check_err(_cbw.cbDBitOut(board_num, port_type, bit_num, bit_value))
  File "C:\Program Files\Python37\lib\site-packages\mcculw\", line 6128, in _check_err
    raise ULError(errcode)
mcculw.ul.ULError: Error 11: Invalid digital port number.

Supprisingly, if I use the ul.d_out() function to set the whole byte-array of a port, it works fine for all ports and I measured the pin-values and everything is fine. The ul.d_bit_out() function would be far more convinient though...

when using the d_bit_in() or d_bit_out() functions, you MUST always use FIRSTPORTA. Set the bit_num parameter to a value between 0 and 23.

You do need to use the correct port name to configure the port using d_config_port() such as:
d_config_port(board_num, DigitalPortType.FIRSTPORTA, DigitalIODirection.Out)
d_config_port(board_num, DigitalPortType.FIRSTPORTB, DigitalIODirection.Out)
d_config_port(board_num, DigitalPortType.FIRSTPORTCL, DigitalIODirection.Out)
d_config_port(board_num, DigitalPortType.FIRSTPORTCH, DigitalIODirection.Out)

When you want to write out to any of the DIO of your USB-DIO24, you would use:
d_bit_out(board_num, DigitalPortType.FIRSTPORTA, bit_num, bit_value)
bit_num is an integer between 0 and 23,
bit_value = 0 (off) or 1 (on).

Yes, d_out() works as you stated above.


  1. if you want to have a combination of digital inputs and outputs, you still can, just configure the port as needed using d_config_port() with the correct DigitalPortType of FIRSTPORTA/B/CL/CH for input or output. Then when you want to read or write to a bit, you use an integer between 0 and 23 with d_bit_in() or d_bit_out().
  2. For users of other MCC devices having an AUXPORT instead of FIRSTPORTA/B/... the same is true, but you will need to use the AUXPORT (these are normally bit configurable.
  3. if you have a device such as USB-DIO96 series, the same is true for d_bit_in/out() where you exclusively use FIRSTPORTA, but there are many port DigitalPortTypes, and so many more options for bit numbers (0 to 95)
  4. For more information on this please see
    • select Contents Tab,
    • Hardware Reference
    • Digital Input/Output Hardware (see the table shown here)
    • USB-1024 Series and USB-DIO24 Series

Thank you for your fast and helpfull response. I modified the test script to try that, see attachment.


Library Call Demonstrated:  mcculw.ul.d_out() and mcculw.d_bit_out()

Purpose:                    Writes to a digital output port.

Demonstration:              Configures the first digital port for output
                            (if necessary) and writes a value to the port and
                            the first bit.

Other Library Calls:        mcculw.ul.d_config_port()

Special Requirements:       Device must have a digital output port
                            or have digital ports programmable as output.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from builtins import *  # @UnusedWildImport

from mcculw import ul
from mcculw.enums import DigitalIODirection
from mcculw.device_info import DaqDeviceInfo

    from console_examples_util import config_first_detected_device
except ImportError:
    from .console_examples_util import config_first_detected_device

def run_example():
    # By default, the example detects and displays all available devices and
    # selects the first device listed. Use the dev_id_list variable to filter
    # detected devices by device ID (see UL documentation for dev ice IDs).
    # If use_device_detection is set to False, the board_num variable needs to
    # match the desired board number configured with Instacal.
    use_device_detection = True
    dev_id_list = []
    board_num = 0

        if use_device_detection:
            config_first_detected_device(board_num, dev_id_list)

        daq_dev_info = DaqDeviceInfo(board_num)
        if not daq_dev_info.supports_digital_io:
            raise Exception('Error: The DAQ device does not support '
                            'digital I/O')

        print('\nActive DAQ device: ', daq_dev_info.product_name, ' (',
              daq_dev_info.unique_id, ')\n', sep='')

        dio_info = daq_dev_info.get_dio_info()

        # get all ports
        ports = [port for port in dio_info.port_info if port.supports_output]

        # If the port is configurable, configure it for output.
        for port in ports:
            if port.is_port_configurable:
                ul.d_config_port(board_num, port.type, DigitalIODirection.OUT)

        port = ports[0] # get FIRSTPORTA

        # set it to all 0 via byte set
        port_value = 0b00000000

        print('Setting',, 'to', port_value)

        # Output the value to the port
        ul.d_out(board_num, port.type, port_value)

        # set it to all 0 via bit set
        for i in range(24):
            bit_num = i
            bit_value = 0
            print('Setting',, 'bit', bit_num, 'to', bit_value)

            # Output the value to the bit
            ul.d_bit_out(board_num, port.type, bit_num, bit_value)

        # set every second pin to high
        for i in range(0, 24, 2):
            bit_num = i
            bit_value = 1
            print('Setting',, 'bit', bit_num, 'to', bit_value)

            # Output the value to the bit
            ul.d_bit_out(board_num, port.type, bit_num, bit_value)

    except Exception as e:
        print('\n', e)
        if use_device_detection:

if __name__ == '__main__':

The code runs without error, this results in every second pin on LOW and the other ones on HIGH. EXCEPT: The first 4 bits of FIRSTPORTA are all HIGH.

Nevermind my last message, all works fine :)
Thank you!