
Weird behavior with fzopen plugin

Closed this issue ยท 21 comments

Describe the bug

When open a file using fzopen plugin, the file opened in float window

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior and with the most minimal configuration.
With only nnn.vim installed and additional configurations/plugins that helps reproduce the bug:

  1. Open vim
  2. Run nnn.vim
  3. Press key combination for fzopen
  4. Select file
  5. File opened in float window

Expected behavior

I want the file to open in a new buffer instead of nested in float window


Peek 2020-12-29 09-46


  • OS: Pop!_OS 20.04 LTS
  • Terminal: Tilix 1.9.1
  • Shell: zsh 5.8
  • Vim version: neovim v0.4.4
  • Plugin manager: vim-plug
  • Plugin version: master
  • Nnn version: 3.5

I haven't taken a deeper look at yet. However I assume when using a nnn plugin such as fzopen nnn will pass the selected files to whatever opener is set (via EDITOR or NNN_OPENER). Probably to fix this, nnn should instead output the selected files to the file specified in picker mode -p <output file>.
@jarun Thoughts on what's happening here?

would really love this to work, since it means I can get rid of fzf and just use nnn

jarun commented

Currently nnn doesn't have any way to pass the picker mode or the picker file to the plugins.
I have no plans to spend time on that either. Thanks.

Could the picker file possibly be passed as an argument to spawn()?

Not sure if there are other complications to making it work.

jarun commented

That's the only way but the problem is when you open in picker mode nnn tries to write to the output file itself. So we also need a way to synchronize the plugin with the core program.

In addition, there's also the question of whether nnn gets the list of files from the plugin and write them to the output file OR the plugin writes to the output file and informs nnn.

I am still thinking about it but I find the solutions more complex than the problem so far.

jarun commented

I think the plugin should write to the output file anyway. The reason is - it can avoid packing the files and send them to nnn which nnn will unpack and write to the output file.

jarun commented

I will try to work out a feasible solution for this.

jarun commented

Implemented at jarun/nnn@cbc4587.
Please confirm that it works as expected. Note that you need to install the fzopen plugin from master.

Works for me on Neovim!

jarun commented

Thanks a lot for confirming!

If possible, please check out the other defects as well.
I closed around 3 of them now. Would love to take the outstanding count to 0 as in the base project.

At first I thought this worked.

When I try this with the nnn branch you mentioned, and a new pull of all the plugins, using fzopen still creates a "sub-vim" instance, or a vim instance running inside the shell that nnn is opened with.

I'm using vim-8

Just to double check, what does your fzopen script look like that is being run?

jarun commented

and a new pull of all the plugins

run getplugs master

and a new pull of all the plugins

run getplugs master

did not work for me on vim v8.2

jarun commented

Can you copy the contents from your fzopen plugin from ~/.config/nnn/plugins?

jarun commented

Also, how did you compile nnn?

here is the content of the fzopen:

#!/usr/bin/env sh

# Description: Regular mode:
#                Fuzzy find a file in directory subtree.
#                Opens in $VISUAL or $EDITOR if text.
#                Opens other type of files with xdg-open.
#                Work only with a single file selected.
#              Picker mode:
#                If picker mode output file is passed, it
#                will be overwritten with any picked files.
#                Leaves untouched if no file is picked.
#                Works with single/multiple files selected.
# Dependencies: fd/find, fzf/skim, xdg-open
# Shell: POSIX compliant
# Author: Arun Prakash Jana

. "$(dirname "$0")"/.nnn-plugin-helper

if type fzf >/dev/null 2>&1; then
    if type fd >/dev/null 2>&1; then
        [ -z "$cmd" ] && cmd="fd -t f 2>/dev/null"
        [ -z "$cmd" ] && cmd="find . -type f 2>/dev/null"
    entry="$(eval "$cmd" | fzf -m --delimiter / --nth=-1 --tiebreak=begin --info=hidden)"
    # To show only the file name
    # entry=$(find . -type f 2>/dev/null | fzf --delimiter / --with-nth=-1 --tiebreak=begin --info=hidden)
elif type sk >/dev/null 2>&1; then
	entry=$(find . -type f 2>/dev/null | sk)
    exit 1

# Check for picker mode
if [ "$3" ]; then
    if [ "$entry" ]; then
        if [ "-" = "$3" ]; then
            printf "%s\n" "$entry"
            printf "%s\n" "$entry" > "$3"

        # Tell `nnn` to clear its internal selection
        printf "%s" "0p" > "$NNN_PIPE"

    exit 0

# Open the file (works for a single file only)
case "$(file -biL "$entry")" in
        "${VISUAL:-$EDITOR}" "$entry" ;;
        if uname | grep -q "Darwin"; then
            open "$entry" >/dev/null 2>&1
            xdg-open "$entry" >/dev/null 2>&1

I clone the master and then simply compiled it with sudo make O_NERD=1
I can't open the results with pressing Enter now. When I press Enter on the result of my search on fzopen, nnn goes to the file-explorer mode (the default view of nnn)

I see now, when I enter on the result, it only opens it on the main window if I close the nnn window manually. @jarun

jarun commented

Can confirm working now in vim 8. Thanks!!

jarun commented

Thanks for the confirmation.