
Error while trying to run the ttn-abp sketch

yashranjan1 opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi, Thanks for taking the time to read through this issue.

I am trying to run the ttn-abp sketch in the examples. When i try to run it i get the following warning:

c:\Users\Aziz\Documents\Arduino\libraries\MCCI_LoRaWAN_LMIC_library\src\hal\getpinmap_thisboard.cpp: In function 'const Arduino_LMIC::HalPinmap_t* Arduino_LMIC::GetPinmap_ThisBoard()':
c:\Users\Aziz\Documents\Arduino\libraries\MCCI_LoRaWAN_LMIC_library\src\hal\getpinmap_thisboard.cpp:71:72: note: #pragma message: Board not supported -- use an explicit pinmap
         #pragma message("Board not supported -- use an explicit pinmap")

i tried to look for a similar post on the forum and I found this forum post but im not sure i understand what they're trying to do because I'm new to using Arduinos


  • Version of LMIC being used: 4.1.1
  • Version of Arduino IDE being used: 2.3.2
  • Network provider: The things network
  • Region: AU1
  • Board: Arduino Uno with a Dragino LA66 Lorawan shield
  • Radio: Im not sure how i can find this

Please do let me know if you need any further information about my setup. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!