pamusb-check works on tty1, but not tty2
Closed this issue · 5 comments
Which version of pam_usb are you running?
latest aur (0.8.3?)
Which distribution are you using?
CachyOS (Arch)
Which login manager and desktop environment are you using?
ly and openbox
What happened?
When I try running pamusb-check (username) on my normal window manager session, which runs in tty2, this is the debug output I get:
- Authentication request for user "sixene" (pamusb-check)
[src/local.c:227] Checking whether the caller (pamusb-check) is local or not...
[src/local.c:238] Checking pid 56413 (pamusb-check)...
[src/local.c:238] Checking pid 21800 (fish)...
[src/local.c:238] Checking pid 2139 (urxvtd)...
[src/local.c:238] Checking pid 1 (/sbin/init)...
[src/local.c:296] Using DISPLAY :0 for utmp search
[src/local.c:050] No utmp entry found for tty ":0"
[src/local.c:312] Trying to get tty from display server
[src/local.c:317] Retrying with tty /dev/tty2, obtained from display server, for utmp search
[src/local.c:053] utmp entry for tty "tty2" found
[src/local.c:054] utmp->ut_pid: 1991
[src/local.c:055] utmp->ut_user: sixene
[src/local.c:071] Checking utmp->ut_addr_v6[0]
[src/local.c:071] Checking utmp->ut_addr_v6[1]
[src/local.c:071] Checking utmp->ut_addr_v6[2] - Remote authentication request:
[src/local.c:382] Confirmed remote request - denying. - Access denied.
This works fine on tty1, but I'm running my session on tty2, and attempting to change it to tty1 has been catastrophic.
Output of "pamusb-check --debug whoami
Command listed here doesn't worked, however I have already attached the output of 'pamusb-check --debug sixene'
Output of "w"
❯ w
19:59:50 up 31 min, 1 user, load average: 0.62, 0.60, 0.73
sixene tty2 19:29 5:16 9:55 0.09s /usr/lib/cachy-browser/cachy-b
Output of "loginctl"
❯ loginctl
1 1000 sixene seat0 tty2
1 sessions listed.
This is pretty sure not related to the tty, but the session having ut_addr_v6 elements set while they should be null for a local session. Guess your login manager or something sets it to an empty string - in that case it will be easy to workaround. I will take a look somewhen in the next days. Expect to be tagged for testing a fixed build.
btw, no clue what version you have when using AUR - it's not maintained by myself :D
Alright, thank you! It’s amazing to see this repo be so active, I was kind of feeling hopeless when I saw that it was discontinued when researching 😅 I’d love to help test!
(also yeah, aur is 0.8.3, i just checked again)
In case you would be still up for, I just pushed a branch that should fix your issue
Please try building & installing from branch dont-treat-empty-string-utaddr-as-remote
Considered fixed, please reopen if it still appears.