
Can't find "SUKL" DataBase

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I have tried to run your project with the library and i get an error couldn't find the database "SUKL"
because it's running on your Loclhost under windows authentication.
Please help.
Thank you.

Hi @rawanaz, thanks for trying the library. First of all, I have to apologize that there is no documentation yet as this project is "work in progress".

Anyway, you don't have an issue with this library, the whole problem is in the EVI-SampleServer repository. In that repository you can find the web.config file where r2rmlstoreconnection is configured. You can change it to anything you want. Moreover, there is also r2rmlConfig configuration where a path to the R2RML mapping file is configured.

I have added this info to the of the EVI-SampleServer repository. I consider it solved, please write if you have any following questions.

Thank you for your feedback.
please can i have your sample database and mapping file to test it.

@rawanaz The database script can be downloaded from:!Ar31O18jKX66qdBGsa1F28dleTfOhA

The mapping file is the one in the EVI-SampleServer repository.

Hi Sir,
could I get your email to contact you please, and i'm sure your asking why I want your email, because the things that i'm going to ask you about is not important for github users and i will explain as soon as i get your email.
thank you.