
Missing distribution tarball for v0.6.8

kepstin opened this issue · 3 comments

There is no distribution tarball generated for the rasdaemon 0.6.8 release, either in the directory on infradead or attached to the github release.

Could you please generate one (e.g. using make distcheck) for linux distro packaging?

If needed, I can set up my packaging tools to run autotools to generate the configure script, Makefile, etc. from the snapshot github generates from the tag, but this tends to be a bit more fragile, and slower to build, than having a proper distribution tarball.

Well, make distcheck was not set to work, as it needs this on


Even so, it actually tries to install rasdaemon at the build machine, which is something I don't do, as I prefer to generate a rpm tarball and install from it (I'm running Fedora).

What it was actually missing seems to be a git workflow that would be running make dist-bz2 for targets, placing the distro tarball at the github repository.

Added a workflow to place the content of "make dist-bzip2" as an artifact. It should work starting on v0.7.0:

The 'make distcheck' doesn't actually install the package to the system - but it does run 'make install' with DESTDIR set to a temporary directory (and cleans up the result afterwards).

When using autotools build system, it's usually best to use make distcheck (when possible) instead of one of the make dist targets since it does a full build and install in a way that verifies that out of tree builds, DESTDIR installs, and clean targets all work correctly - things that are sometimes missed in a local development environment.

The main downside is of course that a full build and install can be pretty slow. I'd totally understand avoiding it in a CI situation - doing only the dist step would make sense to save resources especially if you're already doing build/install tests elsewhere :)