
Cannot load csv into data frame to "readData()"

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I formatted my csv in the format suggested and cannot get R to load the data to even do the readData() function. I have tried different ways of selecting the csv file and variations of the recommended code from but none of it has been working for me. The csv downloads as a value that says "character empty" instead of the 7-column data frame that I would expect. When I use this code:<-read.csv(file.choose()) I can see the data in a data frame, but then when I go to do any actions in the Ramf package (including readData) I get this error message:

Error in vroom::vroom(): ! file is not one of the supported inputs: • A filepath or character vector of filepaths • A connection or list of connections • Literal or raw input Run rlang::last_trace() to see where the error occurred.
Backtrace: ▆

└─Ramf::readData(("Ramf5")), type = "grid")
│ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
Run rlang::last_trace(drop = FALSE) to see 3 hidden frames.

I want to look at the data frame using readData() and use the other functions in Ramf as well, but I can't use the actions without the mentioned error message. Here is what I have for code so far (that has not been working):

#Ramf<-read.csv(file.choose()) Ramf.6 <- dir(system.file("Ramf.csv", package = "Ramf"), full.names = TRUE, pattern = "grid.csv") readData(("")), type="grid") readData(Ramf.6, type="grid")

Could you please share your csv (or part of it). I need to reproduce the error.